Sunday, 18 April 2010


kuching meowed at 5:26 pm
There's a saying that goes: "To each his own".

I like living by that.

Because "it takes all sorts to make a world" right?

Some people like sky diving. Others like to stay at home. Some people like to do it the conventional way. Others like to poop in a cup and eat it.

Therefore, to each his own.

I understand if you have strong opinions about it if this person is pooping in your yard and inviting your kids to eat it.

What I don't understand is if you have a problem with someone pooping within their own private space and having a shit fest, within their own private space.

Do you have to eat it? No. Do you have to clean it up? No. Do you even have to witness it happen? NO.

You see...this is my life.

It is called 'MY life' for a reason, because it is mine and it belongs to me. Whatever I do with it, as long as I do not get in your way, you should STFU and GTFO.

So I don't eat beef. Don't tell me what I'm missing out on. I've eaten it before, and I don't like it.

So I like cats. Just because you don't, doesn't mean everyone else should too.

So I live a very boring life. That is by YOUR definition. To me, getting out of the house to buy sweets is just about as much fun as I can handle.

Therefore, STFU and GTFO, TQVM.

0 droppings on "STFUGTFO."


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