Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Raison d'être?

kuching meowed at 4:01 pm
It's been a while since I touched, or even thought about my blog.

Today I watched Julie & Julia. I enjoyed it a lot, and it made me wonder about the possibilities of making something big out of simply writing in a blog.

This is the reason why I kept giving up on my blog. I start one hoping to bring some meaning into it, rather than just random rambles about what I ate today or what 'kawaii' top I bought at a cheap price. But then it eventually becomes a chore, because inspiration comes to me only as the rain comes to the desert.

Anyway. I've always liked writing. I suppose what I want to do now is to find a short-term goal to tie the posts in my blog to. To give me a sense of purpose, that what I write is working towards something meaningful. Otherwise I'd be stuck in a perpetual cycle of re-editing a post at least 10 times (literally) before I can be merely satisfied with it.

I don't want my new projects to be left half-baked like my pathetic Grade 5 piano skills and my one year of learning French.

Ideas anyone?

Or is anybody still reading this blog that hasn't been updated for at least half a year now?

1 droppings on "Raison d'être?"

:3 on February 17, 2010 12:23 am said...

Cat milking is a worthy activity, if nt can try learnin how2 cook xP


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