Monday, 22 February 2010

Doctors Without Manners.

kuching meowed at 11:54 am
Ladies and gentlemen,

I have an announcement to make:


The only reason why I hate getting sick since I started working is because I have to go to panel clinics. Panel clinics suck in general, but Klink Ling is at the top of the suck pile.

I should have known the moment I entered the clinic. It is a fairly large one, with more seats than the average clinic (yes I've been to quite a few in my lifetime) but there was NO ONE there. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Mei you. Tarak.

I got called into the consultation room pretty quick to a DR. LEE SIH SHAN. She is a giant bitch who looked as if she ate the second most giant bitch in the world and realised too late it is expired and pickled.

As I entered I said hello, which was greeted with a blank stare. I took my seat and waited for her to say something, and was taken aback when she stared harder and said,

So, I described my ailments as her eyes glazed over with utmost interest and she poked about my ears, tongue, etc. and concluded that I have contracted a virus.

"What virus is this?"
I asked. She gave me a 'you-stupid-bitch' look and retorted, "There are so many virus in the world, how you expect me to name one?"

Right. I was brave enough for another attempt. "How did I get this virus?"

A more intense, fiery 'you-stupid-stupid-bitch' stare. "From anywhere lah. The air, environment."

Oh, so I've contracted a virus, not just ANY virus, from ANYWHERE.

Gee, it could be a Trojan virus since I'm around laptops a lot.

She proceeded to mumble about the medicine that she was gonna give me, such as a medicine for my headache, a medicine for my sorethroat, and so on. Then she stared at me again.

"That's all?"
I asked.

A curt nod.

Oooh if only I didn't need a medical certificate from her I'd have given her a piece of my mind. I have never felt so insulted in my entire life in 2010.

DR. LEE SIH SHAN, just because your vagina hasn't been touched in a long, long time, it doesn't give you the license to act like one. Unless you graduated from the Univaginasity of Giant Lonely Vaginas in Vaginology.

You are a smelly, dusty vagina that even hobos don't want to be associated with.

Go F yourself. Oh wait, you probably already are.

P.S. Found her on Facebook. She has a whopping total of 26 friends. Someone please give her a 'Loveliest Person with the Sweetest Smile' award now!

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